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Welcome to the House of Wonders

Imagine you could find a key that would give you access to a very special place - a house where the boundaries between fantasy and reality blur, where there is a touch of magic in the air and everyday life loses its rigid contours.

The creative and surprising wines of «House of Wonders» are just that - keys to extraordinary moments in everyday life.

TADA! Discover our 3 House of Wonders wines!

House of Wonders is about more than just wine. It is an invitation to see and enjoy life in all its glory. Each wine has a story to tell, a delighted experience to offer!

«Tada» therefore stands for wines with a strong character and honesty that make no compromises. Neither in quality, nor in sustainability.

Dive into the world of House of Wonders

The «Tada» wines all have a mantra and that's bringing inspiration into your life. Look unabashedly through the keyhole! There's nothing to hide here, just a lot of extraordinary things to discover.

«House of Wonders» searches the world for the most exciting wines and unites them under one roof. So you don't have to worry about which grape variety, which region or which vinification method suits you best. Just trust the lovable nerds from the House of Wonders!

Curious to discover what happens inside?

One sip at a time, did we trigger your curiosity?