Gianluca Viberti is a charming character and probably the fittest winemaker in the world. Growing up on a vineyard in Piedmont, Gianluca was a boy who always wanted to be moving. As his efforts were needed in the winery or in the family trattoria after school, there was hardly any time for hobbies. But this wild child was inventive: he only ever had his school bag taken home by bus. He would run the 17 kilometres up the hill himself. His parents knew nothing of this habit - and the bus driver was his accomplice. Even today, the oenologist is drawn to the Alps whenever he has a free moment. Mountain running, climbing, mountain biking, skiing... Gianluca Viberti is always looking for a challenge. "The mountains have taught me to lift my gaze and observe my surroundings more closely," says the sporty winemaker. With a thoughtful look, he adds: "That's the opposite of what we so often do today, when we stare endlessly at our smartphones." He sees mountain climbing as a school for life: "The secret is to plan ahead. In doing so, you must never lose your focus or determination." This attitude is also central to Gianluca's winemaking, because in the vineyard too, even if the terroir and techniques are familiar, nature can provide unforeseen circumstances at any time. Just like the mountaineer, the winegrower must be able to "read" nature. They must anticipate possible problems through attentive observation, finding the best variants and often new paths. And of course, they must never risk losing balance. And the reward at the end of the climb? Inspiring wines that are highly balanced, fresh and precise. Our entry in the summit book of 460 Casina Bric: What a breathtaking view...We'll be back next weekend!

Wines with vision
«How do you combine enjoyment of wine and top sporting performance? How do you reconcile the silence of the mountains and the glamour of the wine world? Gianluca Viberti is a fascinating individual, both as a person and a winemaker. In the wines of this native of Piedmont, who is a passionate mountaineer and skier, we can sense the precision of a climber and the smoothness of a long snowy descent... Yes, if you are someone who enjoys soul-searching over a wine, you're sure to hear the whoop of the summit striker. We hope you enjoy reading and climbing new wine worlds!»

In the words of the winemaker
Gianluca Viberti presents you his two wines in the video.