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The best from France at a glance

France's nickname «La Grande Nation» can, after all, be justified by many achievements of our neighbor. Whether haute cuisine, haute couture, or the highest revolutionary activity – in many aspects, the hexagon has secured the top spot. And, of course, France also belongs at the top regarding wine matters. Not in terms of quantity – Italy is in first place here – but clearly in terms of quality. The high French quality standards are still the measure of all things in international wine production. AOC wines (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) are the crème de la crème of French wine products.Almost 6 billion liters of wine are produced in France every year, a third of which is consumed in the country itself. Since the wine regions of France differ greatly in their soil characteristics as well as in their climate, French wines delight our palates in incredible variety. In addition to red and white wines such as Bordeaux and Burgundy, Chardonnay and Pinot Gris, La République also supplies the luxury-minded among us with the globally unique Champagne.