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The best wines for fondue and raclette

There is nothing like a fondue evening or a raclette party in a merry circle. A harmonious wine is the be-all and end-all. But which one goes best? White or red? From here or internationally? With our tips, you're sure to get it right.

Our favorite fondue

Looking for a change of pace? Here comes our slightly different fondue recipe for you. The most important ingredient remains the same: white wine... um, cheese!

Fondue Recipe

What you need:

  • 2 shallots

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • Dried tomatoes in oil (according to taste)

  • 4 deciliters of white wine (e.g. our Sienta Blanche)

  • 1 tsp lemon juice

  • 400 g Gruyère AOP

  • 400 g mountain cheese

  • 4 tsp cornstarch

  • 1 jar cherries

  • Pepper, nutmeg

And this is how to make it:

  1. Cut dried tomatoes into strips.

  2. Chop shallots and a clove of garlic and sauté in butter. Remove pan from heat and add dried tomatoes.

  3. Cut garlic in half and rub it on the inside of the caquelon.

  4. Shred cheese with a cheese grater.

  5. Mix wine, lemon juice, cheese and cornstarch.

  6. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly (in a figure-eight motion) to melt cheese.

  7. Add shallots, garlic, dried tomatoes and cherries. Add seasoning.

  8. Off to the Rechaud!

Is your fondue too thick? Add more white wine! Is your fondue too liquidy? Add
